
Songs | Reco of the Week | Rammstein

These last days I've just been obsessed with one tune, and one tune only.
Having known them for a totally different style of music, dark, sometimes gothic, sometimes kinky, othertimes just plain perverted, I was utterly surprised when I heard this song the first time.
Only recently I took the time to actually seek out the lyrics and get the whole picture.
I don't know the meaning Rammstein wanted to give to this ballad, but I know I can give it my own meaning.

Dedicated to all the people in the world, people waiting for someone.
Someone that exists, or someone they meet in their dreams.
Someone that exists, or someone they want to exist.
Someone that... exists.
One of the most powerful (from my point of view) love and commitment songs in the world.
Time can only go one way...

"Ich weiß nicht wie du heißt
Doch ich weiß dass es dich gibt
Ich weiß dass irgendwann
irgendwer mich liebt

I don't know who he is
In my dreams he does exist
His passion is a kiss
And I can not resist

Ich warte hier
Don't die before I do
Ich warte hier
Stirb nicht vor mir"

(RAMMSTEIN - Stirb nicht vor mir / Don't die before I do (feat. Sharleen Spiteri); 2005 - Rosenrot)

Listening to: Kings of Leon - "Use Somebody"; [Only By The Night]
via FoxyTunes

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