
Game of Thrones Theme (x11)

Source: via AssassinCG.

Catchy TV intro theme songs were a dying art long before Lost proved an intro could be done in about 10 seconds. But not HBO's Game of Thrones. It takes over a minute and a half for that gorgeous theme song to play out.

Fans who happen to be musicians have been playing their own versions of GoT and posting their efforts to YouTube; we have 11 of them for you, plus the original. Their musical styles are as different as House Stark is from House Frey, but if you like the theme song, you'll find at least one clip to love.

And my favourites are:

0. (LE: Assassin pointed out a combination of the top two.)
Violins and heavy metal. I'm in HEAVEN.

If you want to see the rest of the videos, click:

Books | Reco of the week | Steampunk - A doua revolutie

15 august 2010
Pe blogul editorului sef de la Millennium si pe site-ul CititorSF apare o veste careia nu i-am acordat prea mare atentie...
Steampunk Made in RO
Proiectul antologiilor Millennium continua

Primavara 2011
Pe acelasi blog neobosit se dezlantuie masina de marketing. Timp de mai bine de o luna apar insemnari aproape zilnice referitoare la noua antologie ce va sa fie, Steampunk A doua revolutie.
Reactia mea se regaseste in (si s-a limitat atunci la) marturisirea Ioanei Visan din "Making of", poate putin mai neaosa: "Steampunk? Asta cu ce naiba se mananca?"
Cum din fire-mi sunt rebel in ceea ce priveste produsele intens promovate (fie ele ce-or fi, carti, filme sau detergenti), pe de o parte, iar pe de alta putin stanjenit de propria-mi ignoranta, decid sa ignor aparitia. Pentru moment.

Vara 2011
Apar primele recenzii la recent lansata antologie Steampunk romaneasca. Recenziile suna interesant, nu ridica in slavi, nu ingroapa din start, sunt destul de tolerante (sa zicem), un dinte in plus sau minus ici si colo, dar per total...

Songs | Reco of the week | Hugo - 99 problems

Somehow, I prefer the acoustic version...