
Puzzle you...

And we have a new one :D


Puzzle me...

Today I just stumbled upon some interesting sites, with puzzles for those who have the time to puzzle around...

Here's an easy one ;)

And here's a real nutcracker:

Scrisoare catre femei

Letter to women... [RO as well]
Bancuri X (numai peste 18 ani): Scrisoare catre femei

Perle de la examenul de capacitate

Some more cute answers for the national tests in Romania...
Bancuri X (numai peste 18 ani): Perle de la examenul de capacitate


Sorry guys, this is the first post in Romanian

Din cate tin minte, asta ar fi primul post in limba romana, si ma gandesc sa aduc vreo doua calupuri de informatii din cultura vasta contemporana, si anume intrebari fara raspunsuri la care s-au gasit... raspunsuri:

Primele sunt intrebari pe care femeile le pun foarte des. Intrebari care ne streseaza. Intrebari care (numai) pentru ele conteaza si care sunt de fapt capcane pe care numai ele, femeile le-ar putea nascoci. Intrebari la care trebuie sa raspunzi repede, pe nerasuflate, altfel ele vor crede ca le minti. Iti oferim raspunsurile la cele mai frecvente si mai grele intrebari care exista. Citeste si invata pe de rost!

1. La ce te gandesti?
Este cea mai grea intrebare posibila, si cea mai mare greseala pe care o poti face e sa raspunzi "La nimic…". Ele nu pot concepe ca noi barbatii putem sa privim in gol sau in televizor fara sa ne gandim la nimic.
Ele se gandesc tot timpul la cate ceva, si adeseori se gandesc la ce intrebari grele sa ne mai puna. Pentru a evita dueluri cu farfurii, raspunsul pe care il vei da va fi: "Scuza-ma draga daca paream ganditor, insa tocmai ma gandeam la cat de norocos sunt ca am langa mine o persoana atat de calda, grijulie, inteligenta si frumoasa". Musai de spus pe nerasuflate, dintr-o singura respiratie.

Daca tocmai cauti sa te desparti de ea, poti folosi cu incredere raspunsul lui Al Bundy, care intrebat de catre Peg "la ce se gandeste" a spus: "Daca as fi vrut ca tu sa stii, as fi vorbit in loc sa gandesc."

2. Ma iubesti?
Da. Gresit!
Nu mai este de-ajuns sa raspunzi "Da", decat daca vrei sa auzi "Zici asta numai ca sa te las in pace, sa nu te mai intreb". Pentru a scapa de intrebare si pentru a o face fericita raspunsul trebuie sa fie intre "Bineinteles, draga mea" si "Ce-i cu intrebarea asta? Nu te-am convins pana acum?".

Desigur, avem solutia si pentru o despartire sigura: "Scuza-ma, ai spus ceva?"

3. Ti se pare ca sunt grasa?

Aici se raspunde rapid cu un hotarat "Nu, normal ca nu" urmat de parasirea cat mai rapida a "mediului inconjurator" sau de abordarea cat mai rapida a unui alt subiect.

Din raspunsurile gresite le mentionam pe cele mai dezastruoase: "Nu
esti grasa, esti …plinuta", "Comparativ cu ce?", "Iti sta bine asa putin mai plinuta" si "Am vazut altele si mai plinute".

4. Crezi ca X e mai frumoasa decat mine?
X poate fi o fosta prietena, o tipa dupa care te-ai uitat mai lung sau o actrita dintr-un film ce-l urmariti impreuna. Solutia, evident: "Ei na! Tu esti mult mai frumoasa".
Nu sunt prea indicate urmatoarele raspunsuri: "Tu esti frumoasa intr-un anumit fel, ea in alt fel". Nici macar "Da, e draguta." In nici un caz nu trebuie sa apreciezi vreo alta femeie. Toate celelatlte sunt urate.

Pentru despartire: "Aspectul fizic nu conteaza." sau "Frumusetea interioara e mai importanta".

5. Ce te-ai face tu fara mine?
Daca te simti poet, poti incerca: "Mult iubita mea adorata, in eventualitatea unei plecari subite din aceasta lume, viata mea ar inceta sa mai prezinte insemnatate iar trupul meu isi va gasi alinarea doar sub rotile unui camion", sau orice variatiune pe aceasta tema.
Daca nu, poti fi sincer: "Nu stiu". Poti duce sinceritatea pana la limita: "Nu m-am gandit niciodata la asa ceva". Dar asta, intre noi fie vorba, nu pentru ca excluzi asa o posibilitate, ci doar pentru ca noi, barbatii, nu ne gandim la astfel de lucruri.

Si acum c-am lamurit-o p-asta cu femeile, iata o colectie de adevarate rezultate ale cercetarii mondiale in domeniul...

1.Ce este viata?
Cea mai raspîndita boala transmisa pe cale sexuala…

2.De ce nu fac femeile armata?
Pentru ca la comanda “Culcat” s-ar lasa pe spate…

3.Ce pasarica zboara cel mai sus?
Pasarica stewardesei…

5.Ce indica cravata la un barbat?
Terenul de joc…

6.Stiti cum se recunosc barbatii bolnavi de SIDA?
Mor femeile dupa ei.

7.De ce nu se prea utilizeaza prezervativele de culoare neagra?
Pentru ca subtiaza…

12.De ce în Statele Unite orice mexican care îsi cumpara un autoturism
îsi schimba imediat volanul, punîndu-si unul mic?
Ca sa poata conduce cu catuse…

15.Cum scufunzi un submarin rusesc?
Îl bagi în apa…

16.Care-i deosebirea dintre un vibrator si 100 g de soia?
Niciuna. Amîndoua înlocuiesc carnea!

17.De ce nu aleargã melcul?
Ca sã nu-i fâlfaie ochii!

18.De ce rinocerul are corn?
Cã n-a gãsit chiflã.

21.Ce face femeia dupa ce face dragoste?

24.De ce l-a creat Dumnezeu primul pe Adam?
Ca sa poata vorbi până apărea si Eva.

26.De ce au femeile coapsele calde?
Pentru ca barbatii sa nu faca otita…!

29.Ce îti intra pe o ureche, iese pe cealalta si-ti ramîne si-n cap?

33.Care e asemanarea dintre o sticla de bere si o soacra?
Pe amîndoua le vrei reci, pe masa, cu spume la gura.

36.Care este diferenta dintre un termometru anal si unul oral?

38.Ce e rosu si vine regulat?
Mos Craciun.

39.Ce e mare, negru si sta bine la gatul unui tigan?
Un doberman!

43.Ce se poate face din 32 de tigani ?
Sapun 8×4 !

45.De ce nu se duc toti managerii in concediu in acelasi timp?
Ca sa nu se vada ca merge compania si fara ei.

50.Ce conditie trebuie sa indeplineasca in Scotia o vanzatoare de cofetarie?
Sa aiba diabet.

51.Cand deschide un barbat usa masinii sa intre o femeie?
Cand fie masina, fie femeia e noua.

52.In cate categorii se impart femeile?
Frumoase, destepte si marea majoritate.

55.Care este, in zilele noastre, cea mai obisnuita formula de cerere in casatorie?
Dumnezeule, sa nu-mi spui ca ai ramas insarcinata…

58.De ce se tin leii in cusca?
Pentru ca daca i-am tine in acvariu s-ar ineca.

60.Cum de stiu femeile sa faca asa de bine sfoara?
Si cartea se deschide unde e citita mai des.

61.Ce e optimistul?
Un barbat care, inainte de a pleca la prima intalnire cu o fata, isi unge fermoarul de la pantaloni.

68.Cine a fost primul barbat care a zis: “E nevoie de o femeie in casa?”
Mesterul Manole.

69.Care barbat din intreaga literatura romana a asezat femeia acolo unde-i este locul?
Mesterul Manole.

71.Ce i-a zis sotia lui Bill Gates in noaptea nuntii?
Acum stiu de ce ti-ai botezat compania “Microsoft”.

75.Ce au in comun un trenulet electric si sanii unei femei?
Au fost create initial pentru copii, dar tot barbatii se joaca mai mult cu ele.

78.De ce s-a mutat Bula la etajul 10 intr-un bloc fara lift?
Pentru ca are soacra cardiaca.

80.Cand se bucura calugarii ca nu sunt casatoriti?
Cand se spovedesc femeile.

81.Care-i culmea inutilitatii?
Sa plantezi in Sahara placute cu “Nu calcati iarba”

85.Cine merge hop-hop-bum?
Un iepure pe un camp minat.

86.Ce facea Mesterul Manole cand o zidea pe sotia lui Ana?

87.Ce faci daca afli ca mai ai doar 6 luni de trait?
Te muti cu socara si fiecare zi va parea o eternitate.

90.Cum schimba un misogin becul de la bucatarie?
… n-are decat sa gateasca pe intuneric.

91.De ce isi iau blondele pe ele pantaloni foarte stramti?
Ca lumea sa le poata citi pe buze.

99.Ce are doua picioare gri si doua maro?
Un elefant cu diaree.

100.De ce un elefant este mare, gri si zbarcit?
Pentru ca daca era mic, alb si neted, era OB.

103.De ce prefera barbatii sa se insoare cu virgine?
Pentru ca nu suporta comparatiile.

106.Cum se cheama un barbat inteligent in America?

108.De ce este asa de greu pentru femei sa-si gaseasca un prieten senzual, inteligent, atent si frumos?
Pentru ca acestia au deja un prieten.

109.De ce le place barbatilor sa se masturbeze?
Pentru ca asa pot face sex cu cineva pe care intr-adevar il iubesc.

112.De ce a creat Dumnezeu barbatul?
Pentru ca vibratorul nu poate sa aduca bani acasa.

113.Care este asemanarea dintre un barbat si un storcator de fructe?
Ai nevoie de el dar nu esti sigura pentru ce.

120.Cand crede olteanul ca i-a murit nevasta?
Cand la pat e tot ca inainte, dar in bucatarie se strang vasele murdare.

121.Care este definitia unei seri romantice pentru un barbat?

122.Cand e singurul moment cand un barbat se gandeste la o cina cu lumanare pe masa?
Cand se ia curentul.

124.De ce sunt femeile ca vremea?
Pentru ca orice ai face, nu poti sa le schimbi.

125.Cum se numeste un barbat care se asteapta sa faca sex de la a doua intalnire?

126.Ce au in comun toti barbatii care stau singuri intr-un bar?
Sunt insurati.

127.Cum se numeste un barbat caruia ii lipseste 90% din creier?

130.Care este diferenta dintre o repriza de fotbal si un preludiu?
Prima dureaza sigur 45 de minute.

131.De ce mimeaza femeile orgasmul?
Pentru ca barbatii mimeaza preludiul.

132.De ce a creat prima data Dumnezeu barbatul?
Pentru ca nu i-ar fi placut sa se uite tot timpul cineva peste umarul lui sa vada cum lucreaza.

134.Care este diferenta dintre o amanta si o sotie?
30 de kilograme.

135.Care este diferenta dintre un amant si un sot?
30 de minute.

138.De ce au femeile ciclu?
Pentru ca merita. [L'Oreal]

139.De ce au prezervativele ambalajul atat de greu de desfacut?
Ca sa mai ai timp sa te razgandesti.

142.Care este asemanarea dintre o masina noua si un sot?
Ambele functioneaza bine doar in primul an.

143.De ce are femeia organu’ genital în interior?
E supt de vidul din creier.

144.De ce sunt femeile convergente? (matematica)
Pentru cã sunt monotone si mãrginite.

145.Care este diferenta între femeie si prosop?
La prosop cauti pãrtile uscate.

146.La ce e mai usor sã renunti: la vin sau la femei?
Depinde de vechime.


Event of the week | Entertainment | Football

Two magical evenings in Seville:

7th May 1986...
FC STEAUA Bucharest meets FC Barcelona on the neutral stadium of FC Sevilla.
More than 90 minutes pass by with lots of action, but the two teams are equal...
In the end, it is bound for the penalty kicks to determine the winner....
Marius Lacatus is the first to score for STEAUA...
But he is not the only angel we've got.... The greatest one is between the posts... Helmuth Duckadam saves a penalty... and the second... he's got the third.... FOUR penalties in a row saved by STEAUA's goalkeeper and the Romanian team wins the Cup!!!

17th March 2006...
Twenty years later...
Same city, different players in the field, watched by their angels from the crowd... Betis Sevilla are the toughest team STEAUA has met during this season of the UEFA Cup... After a 0-0 at home, the Romanian team has got nothing else to do, but score. The first half goes by with a lot of pressure from the Spanish players, Joaquin, Dani and the others menacing STEAUA's goalkeeper...
But here comes the 55th minute of the game, and team captain Mirel Radoi spots Banel Nicolita without his marker... There goes the pass... Banel receives, controls and shoots... GOOOAAAAL!!! Couple of minutes later forward Victoras Iacob kills Betis with a header, but it's all definite 5 minutes before full time when Banel kicks it in for a resounding 0-3.....

<...will be continued>

Welcome to Romania3D

2006 Berlinale Launch for 3D Animation Romanian Company Genius

Sjaaks babelog

Something to keep your mind off thoughts
Sjaaks babelog: selected by sjakie

Torrent of the week | Fate / Faith - Torrent of death and life

Fate / Faith - Torrent of death and life

It's one of those posts you think over and over what to write... What to think about...

I think i'll just cut to the chase...
This week one of my uncles passed away. He went to see that great entity, the apache Great Manitou, the muslim Allah, the Christian GOD, or whatever you call IT... after all, be you a faithfull or an atheist, there's gotta be something you believe in...

My uncle was nearly 58. It started about a week ago.

On a Thursday evening. I was talking to my mother over the phone. The next day I was supposed to have my final exam before my University Diploma. That means my faculty years are 99% over... My mother was supposed to come over (my parents live in another city) to do some cooking for me, and some of the things parents do sometimes for their children (yes, I get along very well with mine...).

She told me she was bringing someone else over... I was curious... It was my father... He wanted to congratulate me personally for almost finishing my studies... but there was a catch.

My uncle (my father's older brother) had been in the hospital for about 2 weeks, and was supposed to have an operation, on the coming Saturday. That was the real reason for my father coming over... after all, in about a week's time I was supposed to go home and we could have had the celebration then.......

My parents arrived on Friday. We had a couple of drinks that evening, and we were so happy...
The next day my father went to visit his brother. He had already had the operation...

On Sunday, my parents were to go home. They decided to pay another visit to my uncle, because of something my mother said. We heard that the doctors "opened" my uncle and just "closed" him back... My mother said she wanted to see her brother-in-law now that she had the opportunity... I don't know what happened inside the hospital. I waited outside, with my parents luggage. I'm not very fond of hospitals. Haven't been in one for some time and hope to keep it that way.
One of my cousins came to see her father. She talked to me a bit. She was quite grim...What can you say to your cousin when her father is in the hospital? I tried to avoid the subject as much as I could. After all, when someone is in the hospital, what can you talk about? Do you start imagining death? Do you start praying to whatever entity you belive in? Do you keep hope alive? There's a lot of Faith you must have. The diagnosis was very disturbing. What can you do or say as a doctor? What can you say when you know a person WILL die? Who do you tell?
Every time I tried to change the subject (while talking to my cousin - the oldest of my uncle's daughters - that's four of them), there was unavoidibly (does that word even exist) silence.... and medical stuff came up again; hardly suppressed tears as well.

When my parents returned, we got on the Underground train. My mother is a retired hospital assistant. While in the hospital, she talked to some nurses. I felt in her voice that my uncle wasn't supposed to live much longer. 3-4 months at most, she said.... I took it as 3-4 days at most. I don't know why... but that's how I felt.

Monday went ok. For me. On Tuesday morning I had some business at the police station, but finally arrived at my office; there was an offline message from another cousin (on my mother's side). I buzzed her and the conversation went something like this:

HER: Is it true what I've heard about your uncle?

HER: Was he that sick?

You can see the lines one after the other. I didn't... I saw the first one, and thought she was asking me about my uncle being in the hospital. So I said Yes....
Then I saw the second line. Past tense? Why the past tense? She typed something...

HER: I'm very sorry for that

What does she mean by that??? A thousand thoughts rushed into my head, a rush of heat went through my body. I was sitting, but nevertheless I felt my legs soften...

ME: Wait, what do you mean? What did you hear?
HER: Don't you know anything? Haven't you talked to your parents?
ME: What should I know? Should I know anything special?
HER: Oh, God, I shouldn't have talked to you...
ME: I understand... Let me just be sure...

And I called my parents' home. My mother should have been at work, so I supposed I could get my father on the phone... Indeed, he was at home. He had quite a faint voice. We talked about my business at the police station. And then I asked what he was doing. He said he was going to get his parents and come to Bucharest. I just told him I understand... and the conversation was over.

At that point it seemed quite clear to me that my uncle had died. I didn't know how to feel, what to feel, what to think. It was out of the blue. On no occasion had I or my family heard that my uncle was sick, or had any minor sores or aches. He used to drink, not that much, but combined with not eating that much either, proved fatal.


Book word. Reality? His liver, his pancreas, even his heart and kidneys had cancer. I hate that word. Another of my uncles had died from leukemia, which is cancer, too...

There's nothing more to tell. My uncle didn't last 3-4 months, not even 3-4 days, but ONE. The burrial was on Thursday. Many of his relatives attended, and so did most of his colleagues....

It's a good thing to see that one man can touch so many souls...
But what about FATE?
How long can you hold on to FAITH when you see and hear 70 year old parents at thir son's burrial?
Why do families reunite only when death occurs? Are we living in such a world that keeps us so far apart?

Requiescat In Pace...

Jokes and Funny Stories Site

Man, this is some great stuff...
Jokes and Funny Stories Site

4 8 15 16 23 42 - The LOST Numbers Reference Guide

One of these days....
It was bound to come to this:
4 8 15 16 23 42 - The LOST Numbers Reference Guide

I never thought I could ever see anything as ... beautiful as this... Is beautiful a good word??? Hmm... overwhelming, breath-taking... they are just as good....

I don't know if we're alone in this HUGE universe, but, indeed, if we were, it would be an awful waste of space..... Posted by Picasa

Armin van Buuren - Serenity (feat Jan Vayne)

Life's just a party... Don't try to get invited... Try hosting it...